Easy Fried Green Peas (Better Than Wasabi)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Green peas (soaked) - 1 cup
Spice Mix :
Red Chilly powder - 1/4 tsp
Raw Mango powder - 1/4 tsp
Black Pepper powder - 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/4 tsp
Oregano - 1/4 tsp
salt to taste
Olive Oil - 2 tbsp
1. Drain water from the peas completly.
2. Heat oil in a wide non stick pan on stove top and add the peas when oil is hot.
3. Put a lid on the pan for the first 10 to 15 min and fry the peas on high flame.
4. Now take away the lid form the pan and reduce the flame to medium and fry the peas stiring constantly till crispy.
5. When crisp remove the peas and sprinkle the spice mix prepared earlier. Left over powder can be stored and used on other snacks as seasoning.
6. Cool and then store in an air tight container. This is a low fat reciepe and very easy to make.
TIP: If for some reason the peas loose crispyness if you have a microwave just put them in a safe plate and microwave for 3 - 4 min
Indian Home Remedies for Cold & Flu ( May help in Swine Flu /H1N1/ Mexican Flu)
Monday, August 17, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Take two garlic cloves crushed and boiled in water along with half a teaspoon turmeric powder. This is an excellent antidote for cold.
Grind six pepper corns. Mix it with a glass of warm water, sweetened with 56 batasha (a variation of sugar candy). Take this for a few nights.
Take a concoction of ginger juice and honey, a few times a day. This remedy gives instant relief from cough and cold.
Lemon is excellent for cold. The saying goes, "A lemon a day keeps the cold away." Mix the juice of two lemons in 2½ cups of boiling water sweetened with honey. Take this at bed time. It is a very effective remedy for bad cold.
For acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric.
For severe cold: Take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases.
If you get repeated colds, take the Ayurvedic tonic, chyavanprash, to help build immunity.
In case of stuffy nose, the oil of eucalyptus (nilgiri in Ayurveda) is believed to be benefiting. One can have the steam of this oil (by putting a few drops into lukewarm water and then inhaling the steam). This helps in clearing the nasal track and keeps the respiratory tract healthier.
Have five duly washed leaves of Tulsi (known as Basil in English; medicinal name Ocimum sanctum) everyday in the morning. Tulsi has a large number of therapeutic properties. It keeps throat and lungs clear and helps in infections by way of strengthening your immunity.
Giloi (medicinal name Tinospora cordifolia) is a commonly available plant in many areas. Take a one-foot long branch of Giloi, add five to six leaves of Tulsi and boil in water for 15-20 minutes or long enough to allow the water to extract its properties. Add black pepper and sendha / rock or black salt, or Mishri (crystallized sugar like lumps to make it sweet) according to taste. Let it cool a bit and drink this kadha (concoction) while still warm. It will work wonders for your immunity. If giloi plant is not available, get processed Giloi powder from Hamdard or others, and concoct a similar drink once a day.
A small piece of camphor (kapoor) approximately the size of a tablet should be taken once or twice a month. It can be swallowed with water by adults while children can take it along with mashed potatoes or banana because they will find it difficult to have it without any aides. Please remember camphor is not to be taken everyday, but only once each season, or once a month.
Those who can take garlic must have two pods of raw garlic first thing in the morning. To be swallowed daily with lukewarm water. Garlic too strengthens immunity like the earlier measures mentioned.
Those who are not allergic to milk must take a glass of hot or lukewarm milk every night with a small measure of haldi (turmeric).
Aloe Vera (gwarpatha) too is a commonly available plant. Its thick and long, cactus-like leaves have an odorless gel. A teaspoon gel taken with water daily can work wonders for not only your skin and joint pains, but also boost immunity.
Take homeopathic medicines — Pyrogenium 200 and Inflenzium 200 in particular — five tablets three times a day, or two-three drops three times a day. While these are not specifically targeted at H1N1 either, these work well as preventive against common flu virus.
Do Pranayam daily (preferably under guidance if you are already not initiated into it) and go for morning jog/walk regularly to keep your throat and lungs in good condition and body in fine fettle. Even in small measures, it will work wonders for your body’s resistance against all such diseases which attack the nose, throat and lungs, besides keeping you fit.
Have citrus fruits, particularly Vitamin C rich Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice. Since fresh Amla is not yet available in the market (not for another three to four months), it is not a bad idea to buy packaged Amla juice which is commonly available nowadays
Onion & Garlic Soup
Ingredients - Remember to try and use Organic products
• 3 large onions
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 1 sprig of fresh parsley finely chopped
• 4 cups of filtered water
Chop the onions and garlic into small pieces. Or alternatively liquidize them.
Bring a stainless steel saucepan with 4 cups of filtered water to the boil and then add the chopped onions and garlic and the parsley to the saucepan and bring to the boil.
Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the saucepan and then let it simmer for 15 minutes. Until the onions have cooked until they are very soft.
Serve it either as is or liquidize with a thickening agent for a creamy soup.
Thickening Agent
Add 1 tablespoon of chick pea flour and whisk it up in 2 tablespoons of filtered water.
Add to the soup and stir, until the desired thickness is obtained, then simmer for 5 minutes.
Getting the full Healing Process of this Soup
Serving Instructions
Climb into bed and keep well covered, drink the soup while hot, keep the remainder of the soup warm until later.
The soup will cause your body temperature to rise, so expect some sweating, remain well covered and rest.
Try and have another serving about 15 minutes after finishing your 1st serving.
Home Remedies for Weightloss (Ayurveda)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009 Posted by Pransy
• Apple cider vinegar helps to increase our metabolism rate and reduce hunger. Take 2tbsp of ACV in 500 ml of hot water & sip throughout the day (especially 30 minutes before meals)
• Consuming 10-12 fully grown curry leaves every morning, for 3 months, is found beneficial in dealing with the problem of obesity.
• Have one or two tomatoes, on an empty stomach, every morning. This has been found to be effective in curing obesity.
• Having green tea has been found to be beneficial in treating obesity, try to have one cup of green tea after every meal.
• Black pepper powder when mixed in vegetable soup and vegetables not only enhances the flavor of your diet but is also helpful in controlling obesity or helpful in excessive fat burning.
• Use Ginger in your regular cooking and as it is very effective in burning fats, and keeping your cholesterol level in control
• Eat papaya (in the summer season) or vegetable soup as your dinner for two to three months if you want a quick weight loss. This is effective in controlling obesity
• Trifala is extremely beneficial in controlling obesity
Fatloos Myths - Article from Indiatimes
Sunday, July 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Myth buster: If you think that crash dieting will help you cut the flab, you must hear this. “When you starve, the body gets into a mode so that when it starts eating the muscles instead of fat leaving you undernourished and week,” explains Ritu Seth, author, The Art of Staying Young.
“Starving doesn’t work for more than a week as after that body picks up the biological response and soon your metabolism goes down and hunger increases,” says dietician Dr. Shikha Sharma.
Tip Time: Don’t starve and keep your body well fed all the time. Rather than stuffing yourself with three bulky meals or starving to the max, opt for six small meals spread across the day.
Myth 2: All carbs are bad
Myth buster: Here’s an eye opener for those who have been surviving on a
carb-free diet and still failing to find any hope on the weighing scale. “All carbohydrates are not bad. In fact one must have some amount of carbohydrates because good carbohydrates slow down the digestion process keeping you feeling full for a longer time. Whereas, a carb-free diet or a diet with a bad-carb digests fast making you feel hungry and crave again for food. Slow-digestion is very important to lose weight, as it slows down the release of Insulin and it is then that Glucagon burns the fat from the body,” explains Ritu.
Tip Time: Bread is a form of bad carbohydrate, as it digests fast, while cauliflower is tagged as a good carbohydrate. Also, a chapati, decently oiled with olive oil is better than a thin oil-free chapati as the former will take time for digestion.
Myth 3: It’s the calories that count
Myth buster: “I always thought that counting calories was the only way to get a ten-on-ten figure. But, to my surprise I didn’t lose much despite getting mad taking care of every calorie that I consumed,” relates Parul Mehta, a Delhi-based advertising professional. Dietician Dr. Shikha Sharma explains, “It’s the kind food of food one eats that matters more than the calorie count, when it comes to losing weight. There are chances that you are eating food that packs fewer calories, but is metabolically more fattening.”
Tip Time: Fruit juices come to fore as the best weight loss food for those looking out for consuming less calories, but they can never let you lose weight. So opt for fresh fruits instead.
Myth 4: Skipping lunch will keep me light
Myth buster: You are not doing any good to your weight loss regiment by skipping meals. “An acidic body compensates for a skipped meal by getting bloated. And also, once you take the next meal, the body gets into the compensatory mode and you over eat, explains Shikha.
Tip Time: "Eat food that’s compatible to your metabolism. To know that one can either take expert advice or and easy way out is to maintain a food journal, where you pen down everything that you eat together with recording your weight and measurements. And soon you’ll know how your body reacts to different foods,” shares Shikha.
Myth 5: You need to sweat when exercising
Myth buster: Here’s a revelation for all those who think only sweating leads to weight loss. “Sweating has no relationship to weight loss when exercising. Perspiration while exercising occurs to cool down the body that gets heated up. Also, everyone has a unique sweating pattern,” says fitness expert Kiran Swahney.
Myth 6: Cut fatty food to cut fat
Myth buster: Most of the dieters perceive that to ward off body fat, it’s necessary to cut down on fat content from their diet, which is a myth. “Our body requires a decent amount of fat for maintaining a healthy state. Cutting the fat altogether can lead to hormonal imbalance and diseases there after. So choosing the right amount of natural fat is the key to weight loss,” suggests Shikha.
Tip Time: Ritu gives some options of the right kind of fat to help you lose weight and stay young. “Avocado oil, olive oil, walnut oil and mustard oil are some of the fat options that reduce the speed of digestion, thereby adding to your weight loss efforts.”
Myth 7: Drinking water is the key to weight loss
Myth buster: “As suggested by a weight loss center, I started drinking hot water post every-meal. But it did no good to me,” shares Anamika Goswami, a Delhi-based teacher. “One must understand that water is one component of an over all weight loss program. Banking only on water doesn’t help,” informs Shikha.
Tip Time: One must drink plenty of water as most of the body-functions work with that medium. “But don’t think more water will flush out the fat, though it will definitely do away with the toxins accumulated in your body,” explains Ritu.
Myth 8: Battle ends with losing weight.
Myth buster: "The real battle starts once you have lost the desired amount of weight and need to keep it off forever," says Dr. Shikha adding, “People have unique and negative food behaviours that prevent them from maintaining their weight.”
Tip time: It’s important to understand the reason behind your weight gain and target it. Know your food compatibility. Remember that weight gain is far more than the mathematics of calories in and calories out.
Easy Microwave Potatoes Wedges - better & low in calories than french fries
Saturday, July 18, 2009 Posted by Pransy
4-5 medium potatoes - cleaned and cut into wedges
salt to taste
1tbsp Garlic paste
4tbsp olive oil
1.Put the cut potatoes into a microwave safe dish.
2.Sprinkle your desired amount of pepper, salt
3.Pain the potatoes with mix of olive oil & garlic paste
4.Microwave covered for 8 minutes or more till tender
My Easy Breakfast Smoothie
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Normally I dont have breakfast or have stupid fatty stuff for breakfast, but m turning a whole new leaf...
Curd/Yougurt - 100gms
Fruit of your Choice - Cubed
Juice of your choice - 50ml
1 tbsp protein powder - any flavour
Just blend them all. Easy filling breakfast is ready.
Aloevera Juice - Benefits , Check My Regime on " How to"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Aloe vera Benefits
Aloe vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body's systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that aloe vera is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of aloe vera components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.
Over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published on the effects of Aloe vera. The three main categories of research include anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, and anti-viral actions of Aloe vera. The juice is said to soothe digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe's ability to encourage the release of pepsin (a gastric juice enzyme necessary for digestion) when the stomach is full is a possible reason for its ulcer-healing effects (Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62). In one study, oral use of Aloe for six months helped mitigate asthma symptoms in almost half of the participants. Eleven of twenty-seven patients studied who drank Aloe reported feeling better at the end of the study. Researchers think that results might be due to stimulation of the immune system, as well as naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents in Aloe vera.
In 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration approved Aloe vera for the treatment of HIV. On-going studies worldwide show that Aloe taken in highly concentrated doses can stimulate the production of white blood cells that may help fight viruses and also tumours.
Latin Name: L. Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis var miller, Aloe vera var. chinensis, Aloe vulgaris, Aloe vera var. lanzae, Aloe indica, Aloe barbadensis var. chinensis, Aloe vera var. wratislaviensis, Aloe elongata, Aloe vera var. littoralis, Aloe perfoliata var. vera, Aloe perfoliata var. barbadensis, Aloe flava, Aloe chinensis, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe lanzae.
Common Names: Aloe vera, True Aloe
Suggested Properties:
Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and energy tonic
Indicated for:
Digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, cleansing stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder and colon, arthritis, asthma, bladder and kidney infections, cancer, constipation, diverticular disorders, haemorrhoids, heartburn, heart disease, HIV, immune stimulation, indigestion, insomnia, kidney disease, leg cramps, leukemia, skin health, stomach distress, tumours, vaginitis, vaginal douche, viruses, white blood cell production and general health tonic.
Aloe vera contains protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B12 and E, essential fatty acids and is naturally rich in:
Vitamin C which helps maintain tone of blood vessels and promotes good circulation and is essential to the health of the adrenal gland which supports our body in times of stress.
Amino acids which are chains of atoms constructing protein in our body.
Enzymes, which are the life-principle in every live, organic atom and molecule of natural raw food, rejuvenate aged tissues and promote healthy skin.
Germanium which is a mineral that some health authorities claim therapeutic benefits for: immunodeficiency, pain, cardiac disorders, circulatory disturbances and eye problems.
Aloe vera juice is said to be one of the finest body cleansers, cleaning morbid matter from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder, and is considered the finest, known colon cleanser. Studies have shown that it is healing and soothing in the relief of indigestion, stomach distress and ulcers. People claim relief from arthritis, bladder and kidney infections; leg cramps, constipation, hemorrhoids, insomnia, and for vaginitis, it is said to be an excellent vaginal douche. An excellent internal tonic for energy and well being Aloe juice may add greatly to the strength of the food fed, digestive tract, skin, and overall good health and happiness.
It is also used to ease heartburn, ulcers, diverticular disorders, and other types of digestive upset. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and may be taken internally as a remedy for certain digestive complaints. European folk medicine calls for using Aloe vera juice to relieve heartburn and ulcers.
Going Bananas :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Banana Peels for Managing Psoriasis
Dry and itchy skin that eventually turns scaly is a condition known as psoriasis; it is a genetic disease that affects both the skin and the joints, and the severity of the condition varies from person to person. People who suffer from psoriasis of the skin experience inflamed lesions that cannot be treated with standard moisturizers, oils, or other topical treatments.
The skin condition can be treated with prescription-strength creams and moisturizers, but each person reacts to the products in a different way. The inside of the banana peel has been used to treat psoriasis for many years, and most people will see results within a few days and weeks. The skin is replenished with natural moisture, nutrients and compounds that reduce itchiness and help make scales disappear. Rubbing the inside of the peel on the affected area or areas once or twice per day may help relieve or eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis and restore the skin back to a healthy state.
In addition to psoriasis, banana peel can help to alleviate several skin conditions including:
Irritation from mosquito bites – banana peel helps soothe the skin after a bug or mosquito bite
Treating poison ivy rashes – banana peel soothes and cools the skin after an allergic response and can help reduce the outbreak of rashes.
Reducing bruises – banana peel can speed up the natural healing and recovery process so that the skin cells can regenerate and restore themselves.
Getting rid of warts – banana peels can be used to cover up a wart and provide relief from skin irritation. The peel helps to heal the wart and surrounding skin so that the skin cells can regenerate naturally. The banana peel can be cut down to size and taped over the wart to secure it in place. It can take approximately 5 – 7 days for the wart to heal completely, but the compounds in the peel can help speed up the healing and skin regeneration process.
Getting rid of plantar warts – in addition to getting rid of regular warts that form on top of the skin, banana peels may help reduce the pain and irritation of plantar warts located on the soles of the feet. The peel can be placed directly on the wart to help reduce inflammation and pain and restore the skin.
Treating acne – since acne is involves skin inflammation and irritation, the inside of the banana peel can be used to soothe the skin and reduce acne outbreaks.
Banana Peels for Managing Wrinkles
Banana peels contain many nutrients and minerals that can help restore the skin. When applied across the forehead, they may also be a valuable headache treatment. Regularly pressing the inside of the peel on large areas of the skin such as the forehead or sides of the cheeks may help tighten up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Results will not be instant, but the skin will look fresher, more toned and healthier.
Nutritious masks
Banana nutritious masks can help to fill the skin with vitamins, to improve the complexion and smooth the small wrinkles.
- Mash 1 ripe banana with a fork and mix it with 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply on your face for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
- Grind a banana properly with a fork, add 2 tablespoons of cream, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and stir it in blender. Apply the mixture on your face skin, neck and chest area and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask with soft cosmetic napkin.
- Take half a banana and mash it with the fork. Add 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of flour and starch, 2 teaspoons of olive or peach oil. Put the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. It is suitable for dry skin.
Skin care masks
Banana masks can help you to remove greasy luster and reduce the size of your pores.
- Mash one small ripe banana with a fork and mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture at your face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water.
- Mash a half a banana with a fork, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and pour the oil from one capsule of vitamin A. Apply on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash the mask off with warm water.
- Whip 1 egg white with a fork. Mash 1 banana and mix it . Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and some drops of walnut or peach oil. Apply on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash the mask off with warm water.
- For Acne - Mash 2 bananas with a tablespoon of milk, a pinch of nutmeg, a tablespoon of oatmeal and apply it on a clean face. Wash it after dry.
Banana Bath
Make a banana mash of 1-2 kg of ripe bananas. Add 3-4 tablespoons of almond oil into derived pulp. Add a few drops of any essential oil of your choice. Massage the above mixture on your skin & leave for 30 minutes , gently rub the skin & wash off the mixture. After such nourishment your skin becomes soft and smooth.
Banana for hands and legs
- Mash a banana, add 2 tablespoons of milk; mix the pulp and put it on your hands/legs, wrap them in plastic layer or put on rubber gloves and extra woolen mittens above rubber gloves. Wash it off with cool water in an hour.
- -Mash 1 small banana with a fork; add 4 tablespoons of cream or yogurt, 1 tablespoon of natural honey and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. Mix all properly. Spread it on your hands and legs, wrap them in plastic layer, if possible take heat treatment. Wash it off with cool water in an hour.
Green Tea Benefits - I drink Tetley Green Tea ( ginger, mint & lemon flavour)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Posted by Pransy
The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
Links are being made between the effects of drinking green tea and the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, even though approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.
Why don't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties? Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.
Other Benefits
New evidence is emerging that green tea can even help dieters. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.
Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market.
My Weightloss Report
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Congratulations on taking steps to lose weight! Based on your responses, you’re heading down the right path toward reaching your goals, and we’ve figured out how to get you there. Your desire to lose weight because you are ready to improve your health and body image is a powerful motivator. This will help you to achieve your weight loss goals. Studies show that people who diet and exercise for themselves are more successful at weight loss. Do it for yourself and not someone else, like your spouse, doctor, or employer.
Over the next 90 days, you would like to drop 3 pant size(s). In order to lose 1 pound of body fat per week, you need to cut and/or burn 3,500 calories per week. But first you need to have an accurate idea of your starting point, such as how many calories you currently take in and use. You could do this by keeping a food journal, measuring everything you eat, and tracking calories you consume and calories you burn through exercise and normal daily activities, like doing housework. Or you could simply let us tell you.
From your responses, we have made several calculations for you. This will give you a clear idea of where you are right now, before starting to lose weight. That will give you a much better idea of what your plan should be so you can get to your goal and be a weight loss success.
Whether you are overweight can be determined by your BMI (body mass index), which is calculated from your height and weight. The BMI usually is a good predictor of health and weight status. However, it sometimes overestimates weight in people with large frames or muscular physiques. Based on your weight and height your BMI is 24.2.
Based on your age, gender, height, weight, and waist size, your RMR is 1229. Your body uses that many calories just by living and breathing. It takes energy from calories to run your body’s processes, such as digestion, manufacturing blood cells, maintaining body temperature, and regenerating skin. You must take in that amount of energy through food every day just to keep your body working.
You reported that you are sedentary. That’s a shame, because being active reduces your risks for many health problems, such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Based on your physical activity level and RMR, your body uses approximately 1474 calories per day. That means that if you take in 1474 calories per day, you will stay at your current weight. If your activity level declines, you would need fewer calories than this amount or you will gain weight. To lose weight, you'll need to decrease your calories or increase your exercise.
Because you report having gained more than 5 pounds in the last two months, you must be taking in more calories than your body is using. We estimate that you are currently consuming 1621 calories per day, on average. To start losing weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body is using. For maximum health and weight loss, it's best to eat fewer calories and exercise regularly.
In order for you to meet your three-month weight loss goal, you will need a daily deficit of 1166 calories. You say that you want to lose weight both by cutting calories and burning calories. That means you will need to limit your daily intake to approximately 1200 calories and increase your physical activity enough to burn 745 calories. This a very good approach for most people, and tends to be the best approach for maximum health benefit.
To cut calories by reducing food intake, try eating a sandwich made with only one piece of bread or a burger without the top bun. Just doing that will eliminate about 80 calories. Having a two-egg omelet instead of a standard three-egg omelet saves you 70 calories. Drinking water instead of a 16-ounce soda cuts 200 calories. Always put about 2 tablespoons of maple syrup on your waffles or pancakes? Top them with fresh berries instead and save nearly 100 calories. Replace ground beef with lean ground turkey in your meatloaf or chili and save 45 calories per 3-ounce serving. Switch from chocolate ice cream to chocolate frozen yogurt and trim 50 calories.
Choosing healthier, lower-calorie options or smaller amounts of the high-calorie options won't make you feel deprived or hungry. Opting to make these kinds of small changes adds up to big success and gives you the confidence of being in control of how you fuel your body. Read your Well-Being Report to learn more tips and tricks personalized for you.
By sticking to the 90-day plan above, you will be back to the weight you said you were most comfortable as an adult, (100 pounds) in about 11 weeks.
Just remember that slow and steady is the best way to lose weight. Studies have found that people who lose too much weight too quickly often gain it back, and then some. Those who lost weight slowly were more likely to keep it off. A rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week is generally considered ideal and practical; if you exceed that, you may be losing water weight or lean muscle instead of fat.
Cutting too many calories to speed up weight loss may restrict your diet so much that in addition to losing pounds and inches, you also lose important nutrients. That can result in feeling sluggish as a result of a slowing metabolism. A slow metabolism won’t burn calories effectively, making it harder to drop those pounds.
Joined couple of Weight Loss Forums
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Have decided to join a gym from 1st August & have started preparing mysek for that day.
Just joined Project Weight Loss...You can join it at
If you wish to see how it works or to check out my profile , hit this link
Basic Style Advice
Monday, July 13, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Wardrobe Fabrics and Patterns
Fabrics and details are critical to complementing body and face shapes, emphasising straight and more contoured or curved lines, as required. This list provides the summary data you need to make smart choices.
Choose crisp, stiff, or tightly woven fabrics for straight lines. Curves are complemented by soft, fine or loosely woven fabrics.
Soft fabrics make details like shoulder treatment, pocket styles, darts, etc. less severe.
Patterns and prints also make a difference in line. The pin stripe, for example, projects a straighter line than the chalk stripe.
You don't need to match head to toe but maintain fabric, line, print and design.
Choose fabrics, details, and accessories that complement your body. Lighter and finer textures are better for smaller body sizes. Medium to heavy textures are better for those who are taller and bigger.
Look for fabrics with at least 55% - 100% natural fibers.
Wardrobe Fit & Quality
Sari Blouse
Length: Should be at upper waist.
Bust: Should be tightly fitted but leave 1/2" for comfort.
Neckline: Conservative for work.
Length: Should cover ankle but not drape beyond heel.
Length: Should end just above ankle, and have a 1 1/2" fabric allowance when bending your knees.
Bust: Should not pull or gape. Allow 1" fabric on each side.
Waist: Should allow for 1" fabric on each side.
Sleeve width: Should have 1/2" of extra fabric.
Wardrobe Fabrics and Patterns
Fabrics and details are critical to complementing body and face shapes, emphasising straight and more contoured or curved lines, as required. This list provides the summary data you need to make smart choices.
Choose crisp, stiff, or tightly woven fabrics for straight lines. Curves are complemented by soft, fine or loosely woven fabrics.
Soft fabrics make details like shoulder treatment, pocket styles, darts, etc. less severe.
Patterns and prints also make a difference in line. The pin stripe, for example, projects a straighter line than the chalk stripe.
You don't need to match head to toe but maintain fabric, line, print and design.
Choose fabrics, details, and accessories that complement your body. Lighter and finer textures are better for smaller body sizes. Medium to heavy textures are better for those who are taller and bigger.
Look for fabrics with at least 55% - 100% natural fibers.
Wardrobe Fit & Quality
Sari Blouse
Length: Should be at upper waist.
Bust: Should be tightly fitted but leave 1/2" for comfort.
Neckline: Conservative for work.
Length: Should cover ankle but not drape beyond heel.
Length: Should end just above ankle, and have a 1 1/2" fabric allowance when bending your knees.
Bust: Should not pull or gape. Allow 1" fabric on each side.
Waist: Should allow for 1" fabric on each side.
Sleeve width: Should have 1/2" of extra fabric.
Set-in sleeve: Seam should be just outside of shoulder bone (about 1").
Sleeve length: Should be at wrist bone
Sleeve width: You should be able to pinch the sleeve 1 1/2" away from your upper arm.
Buttons: Should lay flat with 1" of fabric on each side of bust line.
Midriff: For proper blousing you should be able to pinch 2" from the sides.
Length: Should be no shorter than hipbone.
Pleats: Should never pull open; no creasing or pulling across break of leg.
Pockets: Should lay flat and not gape.
Straight skirts: Falls in a straight line from buttocks not curve under.
Skirt: Should not ride up when you sit.
Hip line: You should be able to pull 1" of extra fabric from your body at hip line.
Waistband: Should allow for two fingers to fit in between band and waist.
Thighs: Must not show; you should be able to easily turn your skirt around your body.
Panty line: Must not show – ever!
Shoulder: Should be at least 1" wider than shoulder bone.
Collar: Must not wrinkle across back.
When buttoned: The coat should allow for sweater or blouse and still not pull across shoulder or hip. There should be 1 1/2" of extra fabric at midriff.
Sleeve length: Should allow for 1/2" to 1/4" of blouse sleeve to show.
Sleeve width: Should allow for blouse or sweater, and still have 1/2" of extra fabric.
Back: There should be no pull across back.
Pockets: Should not gape; any pleat or dart must lie flat.
Pleats: Must lay flat.
Zippers and closings: Must lay flat.
Pant leg: Should fall straight from hip with no curve under at buttocks.
Pockets: Should not gape or pull open.
Hip: There must be at least 1 to 1 1/2" of fabric when you pull the fabric from your hip bone.
Waist: Should be big enough to allow the fingers to be inserted.
Panty line: Must not show – ever!
Easy Corn on The Cob ( Indian Style)
Monday, July 13, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1 Corn on the Cob
1/2 Lemon/lime
1/4 tbsp salt
1/4 tbsp red chilly powder
Mix the salt and chili powder and set aside on a small plate. On a gas burner or hot grill, turn the heat to high. Take one corn on the cob and hold it an inch above the burner. Roast while turning all the time. Within 3 to 4 minutes you will hear a popping sound. Keep turning the corn on the cob cob over until the kernels acquire a brownish black color.
With a freshly cut piece of lime, dip the open end of the lime into the mixture of red chili powder and salt and then massage the length of the cob with the lime/lemon while squeezing it gently,so ast spread lime juice, salt and red chili.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin
Sunday, July 12, 2009 Posted by Pransy
For Age Spots
When ACV is mixed with onion juice and applied directly to the skin, it can help you to get rid of age spots and sun spots.
Finely chop or blend an onion, and use a strainer or cheese cloth to squeeze and extract the juice.
Take one part of Apple Cider Vinegar and one part of onion juice and mix them together.
Dab a cotton pad into the solution and apply it directly onto the age spots. Repeat this once a day for approximately 6 weeks and you should begin to notice a gradual improvement. If the spots have not completely disappeared after the 6 weeks but they have started to fade, keep repeating the process until they do. To speed up the process, you can mix 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into a mug full of water (hot or cold), and drink this twice daily for a month. This will not only improve your age spots, but it will also give you a healthy young glow and make you feel energized and active.
For Healthy White Nails
Brittle, cracking, fragile and thin nails are a sign of some deficiency and faulty metabolism in the body. Cider vinegar has been known to remedy this particular complaint, with the results of healthy, strong nails. Also any white spots which were present on the nails previously will be eliminated. Dosage being: two teaspoons in a glassful of water three times a day.
Apply undiluted ACV to the affected area twice a day. Massage well ,directing the movements towards the heart e.g. as in the case of the legs, start from the ankles and move in upward strokes towards the thigh.
For Acne
ACV is an effective natural agent that cures acne by killing the bacteria and balancing our skin's pH level (which is a measure of acidity). It also absorbs excessive oil from our skin, which is a leading cause of acne.
Dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar in water by one part of vinegar and 3 to 4 parts of water. Apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, and leave it there for about ten minutes. After ten minutes, rinse off the vinegar. Repeat this three times a day. For severe cases of acne, the solution can be used overnight without rinsing.
For Shiny Conditioned Residue Free Squeaky Clean Hair
Use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup of apple cider vinegar diluted with half a cup of water. Shampoo and rinse first, then pour on the vinegar - let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then shampoo again and rinse very well so there is no odor of vinegar.The vinegar also removes all the old shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc. build-up in the hair.
For Blackheads Free Smooth Skin
Get rid of blackheads & blemishes and make your skin more youthful by patting apple cider vinegar on your face before bed. You’ll have softer, smoother skin in the morning
Easy Spicy Peas ( Chatakedar Mattar)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Green peas -500 grams
Oil -1 tablespoons
Cumin seeds -1 teaspoon
Ginger, chopped -1 inch piece
Green chillies, chopped -3
Onion , chopped -1 medium
Turmeric powder -1/4 teaspoon
Roasted cumin powder -1 teaspoon
Dry mango powder (amchur) -1/2 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Fresh coriander leaves, chopped -2 tablespoons
Shell the pea pods .Heat oil in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds. Add cumin seeds, ginger, green chillies, onion and heat till lightly browned( about 45 seconds).Add green peas and turmeric powder, roasted cumin powder, dry mango powder and salt and mix. Add half a cup of water microwave for 3 minutes (or till dry) .Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.
My Hunger Control Recipe - Apple Cider Vinegar
Saturday, July 04, 2009 Posted by Pransy
It tastes awesome spicy & sour
And the spices are good for digestion
1 tbsp ACV
300ml water
Spices to taste
Method : Just Mix & Drink
Just Joined Gym
Thursday, July 02, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Finally decided to join a Gym & did so too ( ExtrimFitness - Complete Fitness Program). I start it from 1st of August as I will be travelling a lot this month and thats why you will see loads of days without any entries...But hope that it will help.
BTW I am totally in love with Lacto Calamine - It has helped my complexion a lot ( the age spots are reducing :) ) & it acts as foundation too and best of all its so cheap ( yeah m feeling frugal these days). Try it for your skin type & let me know the impact.
New Addition to my Weightloss regime
Sunday, June 28, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Easy Fruit Chaat ( Spicy Fruit Salad, Healthy Low Calorie)
Sunday, June 28, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Grapes ( 5-10)
Pineapple ( 1/2 cup diced)
Bananas ( 2 bananas sliced)
Orange ( 1/2 cup cubed)
Apples ( 1/2 cup cubed)
Guavas (1/2 cup cubed)
Salt to taste
Chat Masala ( 1 1/2 tbsp)
Juice of 2 lemons
Mix all the fruits in a bowl and add seasoning.
Easy Microwave Stew
Friday, June 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1/2 cup brown ricecooked
1 small onion, thinly sliced
1 small green pepper, thinly sliced
1 small red pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 of a small eggplant, diced
2 small tomatoes, chopped
1 1/2 tbsps olive oil
3 tbsps water
1/4 tsp ginger garlic paste
salt & pepper to taste
Heat Oil in Microwave for 30 secs & add onions to it - heat for 30 secs or till onions turn pinkish
Add the rest of ingredients and heat for 2 minutes.
Your easy veggie stew is ready...
How to do Vipassana
Friday, June 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Am adding the link to ebook on Vipassana exercises , you can try them at home , they are easy...
Let me know if you have any question?
Take care
ps : I lost 2kgs in 10 days of vipassana ;)
Easy Tandoori Gobhi ( Tandoori Cauliflower)
Friday, June 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Cauliflower 1 medium size
Ginger-garlic paste 1 teaspoon
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Chilli powder 1 teaspoon
Hung curd ½ cup
Garam masala 1 teaspoon
Salt To taste
Marinate the cauliflower with the ginger-garlic paste, lemon juice, and chilli powder and keep for few hours.
Mix the curd, garam masala and salt and rub it on the cauliflower and keep for a few more hours. Pre-heat the convection oven on 200 degrees and cook on combination mode for 200 degrees.
Brown further on 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
Serve sprinkled with chat masala and lemon juice.
Juice of Immortality - Amla Juice (Benefits)
Friday, June 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Pharmacological Properties of Amla
Amla is a proven antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, yeast inhibiting, nematicidal, anabolic, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hyperhidrosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-spasmodic, hypolipidemic, and hypotensive relieving properties.
Nutritional Facts about Amla Juice (Brand Nutri Value)
Facts per 100 ml
Vitamin C 1100mg , Calcium 300 mg , Iron 0.7 mg (contains no synthetic food color or flavor , no extra sugar added , has clas 2 preservative E224)
How I take it
30 ml Amla juice + 30 ml aloevera juice + 100 ml water
Expected Benefits
-The antibacterial and astringent properties of gooseberry juice prevent infection and help in the healing of acne/ulcers.
-It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles.
-It is used in the treatment of leukorrhea and artherosclerosis.
-The juice is referred to in ancient text as the best medicine to prevent aging. It is a very strong rejuvenative which is believed to be the richest natural source of anti-oxidant vitamin C (with up to 900 mg/100g of pressed juice). Vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant and can help to rid the body of dangerous molecules called free radicals. This important vitamin is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen. Blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bones-- all require collagen. Another benefit of Vitamin C is the part it plays in helping to synthesize norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter which helps maintain brain function and mood. Vitamin C can also help to lower blood pressure, maintain healthy immune functions, promote good dental health, and aid in the healing of wounds.
-Another anti-oxidant found in gooseberry juice is superoxide dismutase. SOD (superoxide dismutase) is an important enzyme that many people are often deficient in. This enzyme is important in ridding the body of free radicals. Other health issues such as arthritis, prostate problems, corneal ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease have been known to be helped by SOD. It also protects against oxidative stress.
-The juice has the same antiscorbutic value as orange juice of 2 oranges.
-It is also effective for respiratory complaints.
-The juice is used in Ayurveda as a cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, antidiabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic.
-The juice also contains polyphenols which have anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic properties. They can help to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, diminish risks of cancer, and aid in immune system health.
-Two important tannins found in gooseberry juice are ellagic acid and gallic acid. Ellagic acid has been shown to be effective against cancer causing chemicals and aid in the death of cancer cells. Gallic acid is another anti-oxidant and is important in helping to treat diabetes.
-The juice is popularly used in inks, dyes, shampoos and hair oils.
-For insomnia: Take a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg and fresh amla (gooseberry) juice.
-The juice is a natural anti-inflammatory which soothes and protects the tissues of the digestive tract.
Back after Meditation Bootcamp
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Sorry for vanishing without informing - its just that had been accepted for Vipassana ( a 10 day meditation course)... The couse impacts you in ways you would never think possible and right now I am not ready to share it with you right now, but guys all I can say is please go ahead n experience it - its free and its available in almost all countries...
This is just a small entry to let you know I am back - will be back tomorrow with recipes & tips ( btw during these 10 days I lost 2 kgs and 1 inch :D)
My Amazing Skin Cleansing Lotion
Tuesday, June 09, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1.5 part olive oil ( contains antioxidants & vitamin E )
1.5 part castor oil ( fights wrinkles , and reduces blemishes & spots)
.25 part apple cider vinegar ( is strong ,has irritating smell but is anti bacterial, fights acne , balances ph)
Apply the mixture in massaging action for 5 to 10 minutes ( if skin itches wash immidiately & for next day reduce the quantity of ACV). Wash it off, with warm water.
My new Routine
Tuesday, June 09, 2009 Posted by Pransy
This is the new routine I started to fit into that gorgeous dress I got for myself...
Morning(while still in bed) : Have 250 ml water
Do Oil Pulling for next 10 minutes ( will describe it in detail in My Regime section/label posts)
Do Kapal bhati Pranayam for 2-3minutes ( will increase the duration as stamina builds up - will post details in My Regime section)
Have aloevera (30ml) & amla (30ml) juice with water (250 ml) - ( will post benefits in herbal beauty section)
Do interval training on treadmill for 10 minutes ( yeah I know need to build my stamina)
After washing face with Neutrogena gentle face wash , apply , olay total effects for normal skin with spf 15 ( will add product reviews in product section)
Breakfast in office : handful of popcorns , 2 marie biscuits , 1 cup tea
Mid day : 250 ml water (hot ) & 1 cup green tea ( will add benefits in herbal beauty section) , cleanse face with rose water , green tea, acv : spray (will give recipe & benefits in herbal beauty section) & apply total effects
Lunch : Soup , Fruits , Buttermilk , brownbread cucumber sandwitch , 250 ml water
Mid noon : 250ml (hot) water & 1 cup green tea , repeat the cleansing & spf process like midday
Evening : 2 Marie biscuits , 1 banana & tea
Dinner : Soup or grilled vegetable
Post dinner : Aloevera & Amla juice with water
Before bed : clean face with olive oil, castor oil , acv & glycerine mixture ( will add details in herbal beauty section )
Apply nomarks / ponds whitening night cream / lactocalamine on alternate nights ( will add product reviews in Product Section )
From today in food diary will mention only deviations if any...will keep you updated with the results of regime...
Current weight : 56 kgs , waist 29 inches
Visted my sister - got a motivational tool
Sunday, June 07, 2009 Posted by Pransy
sorry for not catching up during the last two days (actually have had a very fatty weekend have gorged on cheesy pastas, burgers , icecreams & those empty calories - colas, so wont be writing the food diary but will start from Monday )
Well had gone to mumbai , to visit my sister & then went out shopping... And guess what bought myself the most beautiful , highly inspirational motivation tool.
I bought a beautiful dress for my birthday , which is next month...And if I have to fit in that dress then I need to loose about 2 inches, and I truly want to wear it on my birthday, so weightloss here I come...
Will post my stats tomorrow & will keep you updated... Now here I go- need to sleep early as will start with Day 1 of my interval training tomorrow...
Take care...
New Week - New Goals
Friday, June 05, 2009 Posted by Pransy
I was not able to follow last weeks goals as I intended to but hope to do better this week. The only goal for this week is to start counting calories ( no restrictions only count calories of all the things I eat)
Will continue to keep my gratitude journal & meditation practice - hope to add exercise too to the regimen...
Will post my regimen in the next post.
Wish me LUCK for this week.
Basic Microwave Cooking for Beginners - Ebook - Click here to download
Thursday, June 04, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Contains recipe for
White Sauce
Tomato Sauce
Cheese Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Basic Pasta
Basic Rice
Basic Dal
Boiled Potato etc
Movie night
Thursday, June 04, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Yesterday had a tough day at work, the whole day went off in meetings and have some steep hills to climb in the coming weeks...Will keep you updated about it...
Yesterday went out for a movie in the evening - as you know thanks to this producer/multiplex war not many movies are releasing so watch a movie (I had'nt heard about so much) - "WATCHMEN"
Well the story is about these superheroes who have retired (rather been forced to retire by government agencies ), and are forced to reunite when one of their members is murdered & others are threatened. Its also about the nuclear war threatening the world , because of escalating cold war between USA & USSR ( Ahhh , it was so much easier to remember in geography class then the new countries we have today).
The story includes a superhero who got his superpowers from being in a lab. accident, other superheores who are human but want to save humanity from itself ( ueah in the end the villain is human nature itself)
The movie is about paradoxes , philosophy & full of contradiction - It is a difficult watch as the nuances of the movie make it special.
The look & feel of the movie are excellant - a brilliantly crafted movie , talking in symbols.
Watch it with an open mind & you will love it...
My food Diary
Morning : 500 ml water
Breakfast : Alu Bhujia ( fried potato snack) with 1/2 cup tea
Lunch : Chapati , Pea-Rice, Dal , Curd, Gourd in Curry, 150 ml Water
Snacks : Samosa , 150 ml water
Dinner : Nachos with Salsa , Gelato
Exercise : None
Meditation : None
Golden Turmeric for 100% GOLD Skin
Thursday, June 04, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Take one glass of milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder in it. Drink daily at bed time.
Take 1 teaspoon Turmeric with lime juice to make paste. Leave it for half an hour and after that wash with lukewarm water.
For Wrinkles
Take one teaspoon of Turmeric powder and add some milk for getting a paste and apply this paste on your face at bed time. Leave it for half an hour and after that wash with lukewarm water.
For Smooth, Fair Skin
Take 4 table spoon full of Gram flour and add 1/2 teaspoon full of turmeric powder mix it well add some water to become a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and body. Leave it to dry and wash it with water.
Medicinal Uses
Apply bit of turmeric on cuts and scrapes after washing them with cold water.
Apply the paste of turmeric and sesame oil on body to prevent eruptions during rains
As Hair Remover
Mix turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. Scrub it off slowly moving your fingers in circular motion, and then wash with cold water
Take 3 tsp of gram flour, mix 1 tsp of turmeric powder. Add some milk to make paste. After sometime when it starts to dry, scrub it off gently. This would gradually reduce body hair over a period of time.
As Bleach
Mix some turmeric to yogurt and apply it on the face, neck and arms for 30 minutes. Then wash with cold water.
Easy grilled tomatoes
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
Mixed herbs and spices like black pepper, chilly powder, oregano
Cut the tomatoes in quarters
Place in oven dish
Drizzle with olive oil
Add the spice mix
Ensure that all the tomatoes are properly coated
In microwave grill on high for 10 minutes let it set for 2 minutes
Your easy flavour full grilled tomatoes are ready.
Easy Microwave Dal
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
1/8 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Ginger/Garlic Paste
2 Green chillies finely chopped
1 tbsp - tomato puree
1/2 tbsp Cumin seeds
1/2 tsp Ghee/oil
Coriander leaves - chopped coarsely
Wash dal and soak for 10 minutes. Add the tomato puree to dal & water, and cook it at micro high for 15 minutes in a closed microwave safe bowl.
Open and stir every 3 minutes so that it is cooked evenly and does not spill out.
Now add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, salt, ginger-garlic paste and green chillies.Mix well and cook on micro high for two minutes.
Heat the ghee in a seperate microwave safe bowl and add the cumin seeds. Micro high for 30 seconds. Add this to the dal.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
Easy Summer Cooler - Buttermilk
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 Posted by Pransy
4 cups water
Black Salt / Rock Salt / Salt to taste
1/2 tsp Black pepper powder
1 tsp Cumin powder
5-6 mint leaves
1 tbsp Chopped Coriander
1 green chilly finely chopped
Whisk curd
Add water , salt , pepper , cuming powder , coriander , chilly - Stir or Shake as you prefer
Add ice cubes , garnish with mint leaves
Weight of Retrenchment
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 Posted by Pransy
How was your day?
I know I am beginning this post when I should actually be ready for another days post , but had a hectic day @ office.
A lot is happening these days , as you all know - our company too is planning to reduce some manpower & I being in HR need to start planning.
The whole retrenchment thing is such an emotional decision , which needs to be planned & executed as finely as a surgeon removes a part of the body... The whole thing leaves scars...
Its so difficult to decide who should be sent home - the person who has joined you recently with stars in his eyes, the one you hired specifically for his potential or the loyalists who are about to end their journey with you , but whose responsibility to the family is still not over...How do you define performance & non-performance in these turbulant times , when last year each employee overachieved the target...
The people I will be letting go off are my friends & colleagues - it pains to even think about it...
Sorry guys but needed to vent out the pain I am feeling.
Now about yesterday
Breakfast : 2 Marie biscuits , 1/2 cup tea
Mid Morning : 5 chakli
Lunch : 1 glass buttermilk (have added the recipe), 1 plate sabudana khichdi , 1 bowl curd
Dinner : Grilled Tomatoes & 2 slices brown bread.
Gratitude Journal
The retrenchment has not actually started
Economy is stabilizing
Markets are rising
My parents for their support
My friend
Meditation Journal
Meditated for 30 minutes yesterday ( that reminds me to put a simple meditation technique , you may use - will do it this week)
Take care....
Curd/Yogurt for Skin/Hair care
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Mix 1cup of curd & 1 tbsp of lemon juice & use as skin cleanser
Take half cup yoghurt. Add to this half teaspoon honey. Stir well. Apply all over the forehead, face and neck. Rub it in gently. Leave on for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
For Dry skin
Make a paste of oatmeal & curd and apply the pack for 10 minutes. Wash off to reveal smooth skin.
For Mature skin
Mash a banana with curd; apply on skin for 20 minutes. Wash off first with warm water and then splash cold water on face to reveal smooth firm skin.
For Acne
Make a paste of gram flour and curd & use as face pack.
Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face
For Dandruff
Apply curd in hair for 30 minutes, rinse & shampoo. Do weekly for a month.
For glowing skin
Mix curd and cucumber juice and apply it on the face
Add two teaspoon of tomato juice with 4 teaspoon of curd and apply on the face
For pigmented skin
Apply plain curd to face everyday. Wash off once it dries. The lactic acid in curd will act as peel to fade the marks.
As hair conditioner
Make a pack of henna (100gms) with curd ( 5 tbsp , more if the curd is thick). Apply for 20 minutes. Shampoo.
Milk for Milky Skin
Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Pransy

Make paste of rose water & milk powder , massage on face - wash once it dries. Do it every night to reveal fair, glowing skin.
For natural bleaching
Mix milk and lemon juice. The milk will break as soon as you mix the lemon juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural bleaching.
Oily Skin Cleanser
Normal, Dry, or Mature Skin Cleanser
Gentle Facial Scrub for Oily Skin
Gentle Facial Scrub for Normal, Dry, or Mature Skin
Shower Scrub
Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.
Body Scrub
Mix turmeric and cream on the top of milk, massage that mixture to body.
Body-Building Pre-Shampoo Hair Pack
Great for fine or lifeless hair, this will add body and luster.Mix about 1/4 cup dry milk powder with enough water to make a paste, and then gently massage the paste into your hair. Cover with shower cap and use hair dryer on top to provide deep heat treatment. Rinse and shampoo.
Makeup remover
Add a few drops of sweet almond oil to a tablespoon of whole milk and use as nourishing makeup remover.
Milk & Honey bath
To a warm bath, add 2 drops lavender oil, 1 tablespoon honey, and 2 tablespoons whole milk powder (or 1 cup liquid whole milk). Soak as long as you like, then shower to remove all traces of milk and honey.
Easy Vada Pav ( Tasty Indian Burger)
Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Pransy

Serving size - 4
2 cups boiled mashed potatoes ( about 6 medium potatoes)
2 cups gram flour (besan)
oil for frying
salt to taste
pav ( A kind of bun) - If not available, use any other bun ( but not sweet buns!)
1tbsp ginger-garlic paste
4-5 (or more) green chilies (chopped)
1/2 cup coriander leaves (chopped),
Add ginger, garlic paste and finely chopped green chilies, coriander leaves, and salt to the mashed potatoes and mix gently.
Make small balls of mashed potato mixture.
Add some salt ( to taste), turmeric powder ( about a pinch) and chili powder (to taste) to the gram flour. Add water gradually and keep mixing, removing lumps if any. The batter should not be too watery or too thick. If lifted by a spatula, it should flow in a ribbon like consistency.
Heat some oil in a pan. To check if oil is properly heated, drop some batter in the oil. If the batter immediately turns solid and float on the surface of the oil, the oil is ready. Also make sure that the oil is not too hot. Otherwise, the vadas become dark from the outside before they are actually done from the inside.
Now dip each ball in the batter, letting the excess batter drip off and slowly add to the hot oil. Do not overcrowd the pan, else the temperature of the oil reduces which in turn slows down the frying process. Like this, deep fry all the vadas until golden. Remove on a paper towel and drain.
Split Pav keeping the base intact & spread garlic chutney or green chutney on the inner surfaces of it.Add some chopped onion. Place the vada in it. Serve hot.
Now this has been my favourite street food , since I moved to Pune. Do let me know if you like it...
Easy Microwave Plain Boiled Rice
Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Pransy

2 cups water
Salt to taste
Put all the ingredients together & heat on high for about 8 minutes , stirring in between. After the rice is boiled ( check by breaking the rice if its soft its ready) else cook for 1 minute more & check. Let it stand for further 5 minutes.
All the water should be gone by now but if there is extra drain it.
Try it with Kadi or any curries... Have fun...
Matar Paneer ( Cottage cheese with Peas in tomato gravy)
Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1 cup shelled peas ( frozen will aso do)
2 tbsp. oil
1 tsp ginger -garlic paste
1 medium size onion - finely chopped
5 tbsp tomato puree
1-2 green chillies ( chopped )
1/2 tsp garam masala ( all spice mix)
1/2 tsp amchur powder (mango powder)
1/2 tsp cumin powder
50 ml water
salt to taste
Put the onion with 1/4th spoon oil in the microwave on high for 1 minutes or till lightly pink , add green chillies and heat for 30 seconds.
Add tomato puree, garam masala, cumin powder, amchur powder , peas and sprinkle 10 ml water microwave for further 3 minutes on high
Add the cubed paneer, salt & rest of water , microwave for 1 minute & stand for another 1 minute
Enjoy with chapati or brown bread
My trip to Lonavala
Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Yesterday being sunday went for a day trip to Lonavala...What a journey it was dark clowds trying to touch the peaks of the mountains - cold breeze playing with your hair...The scenic valleys , the twists and turns on the road...Amazing Man...
For people who are looking for a good place to stay try MTDC resorts Karla - The cottages are good much better than highly priced hotel rooms , the only drawback is the distance from the main city - but its a good place to just relax & enjoy the rains... Hey forgot to mention the food is not that great but you can get food deliveries and there are couple of good dhabas nearby...
Had a great day yesterday with friends, and as usual ended up eating more than usual :(
So here goes my Food Diary
Early Morning - 500 ml of water
Breakfast - Wada Pav & Sprite (300ml)
Lunch - Veg. Biryani ( was great , fragrant & spiced ), Hakka Noodles , Green Salad
Evening - Bread Butter , Chocobar
Dinner - 1 Chapati ,Mattar - Panneer ( was yucky ) , Kesar Pista cup
Yeah I know I am icecreamaholic - Have a great sweet tooth...trying to work on it too...
How was your weekend , do share...
Gratitude Journal
- My friends
- The monsoons
- The scenic locales in India
- My parents
- For being alive
Listened & followed 30 minutes meditation
Microwave Panjabi Kadi Recipie
Saturday, May 30, 2009 Posted by Pransy

2tbsp besan (bengal gram flour)
1 cup khatti dahi ( sour curds)
1/2 tsp haldi powder ( turmeric)
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1-3 green chillies ( based on preference , I love it really HOT!)
Few curry leaves
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 cup water
salt to taste
- Mix curds and bengalgram flour well till it forms a consistent paste.
- In a microwave safe bowl, add oil, cumin seeds, curry leaves, asafoetida and green chillies and micro high for 2 minutes.
- After 2 minutes add rest of the ingredients and microwave for 5 minutes , stirring in between.
Thats it guys yummy Kadi ready...Relish it with rice...
One more step
Saturday, May 30, 2009 Posted by Pransy
I was not able to post yesterday as the fever was too high...Thankfully - now its gone completely and I can resume my journey...
The fact of the matter is that I am truly feeling shy about sharing my food diary with you all today - yeah I know that you will forgive me for all that I ate yesterday ,what with fever and all but still...
Here, it goes
Morning : 500ml of water
Breakfast : 4 Marie biscuits with 1 cup tea
Mid morning : One more cup tea
Lunch : 1/2 bowl Kadi , 1 catori Rice , 1/2 bowl cholle , 1 chapati
Evening : Veg. club sandwich , 1 cup espresso
Dinner: 1 doughnut & 1 espresso
Thankgod I am not counting calories or I would have died of shock & embarassment yesterday...
Didnt exercise or medidate and did not feel grateful bout anything or maybe did feel grateful for food , and colleagues & parents
Home Eye Care
Saturday, May 30, 2009 Posted by Pransy

Like any girl I too suffer from vanity , and when your parents are hunting for a groom for you ( the hunt can be quite literal at time - but that's for another entry) , they expect you to take care of yourself... After all the guys don't want an intelligent nerd as wife...so out come the old home remedies...
Decided to share some related to eye care with you here...Enjoy...
- For thick lashes - If you have thin eye lashes then use equal proportion of glycerin and castor oil regularly. This will make your eyelashes grow thicker. (You can try for eyebrows too )
- For puffy eyes - Massage a drop of castor oil on to them ( helps with under eye wrinkles too) or use cucumber slices or use cotton pads dipped in unboiled milk.
- For dark circles - Take a Vitamin E capsule and carefully pierce it with a pin or needle. Dab a bit of the oil on your fingertip and pat it into the skin under your eyes or Take a used tea bag (black, green or white), after it has cooled, and apply it to the skin under your eyes or take equal amounts of almond oill & honey and apply it each night before going to bed ( helps with under eye wrinkles too) or apply a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal ) and turmeric powder on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off or Prepare a paste of pineapple juice and turmeric ,apply it on the under eye area.
- For crows feet - An effective remedy is an anti-hemmeroids aka piles cream or use papatya pulp or use egg white
Here I go...
Thursday, May 28, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Had a tough day yesterday, what with this flu thing keeping me awake all night…
The fever is killing me, making me feel all hot & bothered one second & totally cold the other…
And the worst part of the day was to go & meet a guy for matrimonial thing for arranged marriage…Its similar to blind date, just that if the date is successful you marry this person…Had to get dressed, put on my makeup, and then there had to have humorous, intelligent conversation with a guy I didn’t even like…What could be worse than this?
The trackers for the day stand like this…
Got up at 12 pm
Had Maggi as brunch, Drank 100 ml of water
Again slept for 4 hours
Got up – had a long leisurely bath , got ready for my date
Met the guy around 7
Had Iced Tea with 2 pcs of garlic bread (without cheese)
For dinner had Gujarati Thali (don’t worry couldn’t eat more than 2 tsp of anything so didn’t add too many calories)
Got nothing to mention in the exercise section unless walking in stilettos count as one…
Things I am grateful for
1> My parents for their support
2> My maid for not disturbing me , when I sleep
3> My colleagues for covering for me
4> My sense of humor
5> God
I still have fever , m still on leave lets see how the day turns up…
Easy Idli ( Light Fluffy Indian Snack)
Thursday, May 28, 2009 Posted by Pransy
1 catori semolina (rava)
1 catori sour curds
1/4 tsp soda
4 green chillies
1/4 inch ginger
4 curry leaves (grind to a fine paste)
2 Tbsp finally chopped coriander leaves
1 flat tsp salt
Dry roast the rava till it is slightly brown. Allow it to cool. Heat one and a half teaspoons oil.To it add Mustard seeds, hing, few curry leaves. After the oil cools rub it with the rava properly.Then add rest of the ingredients but soda should be added last.Pre heat the cooker with water.Then add the soda at the last moment i.e. a minute before putting it in the cooker which has been pre heated.The consistency for the idlis should be of dropping consistency.The quantity of curds should not be increased.If you feel the batter is thick then add a little water to reach the desired consistency.Put it in the idli mould and steam it for seven minutes
Easy Vegan Omelet
Thursday, May 28, 2009 Posted by Pransy

3/4 cup gram flour(besan)
1/2 cup wheat flour(optional)
2 tbl spns fine wheat sooji/rava
3/4 cup finely chopped tomato1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 tea spn cumin seeds
1/2 tea spn chopped ginger
1 tea spn chili powder or 2-3 finely chopped green chilies
1/2 tea spn coriander powder(optional)
1/2 tea spn cumin powder(optional)
3-4 strands chopped coriander leaves
A pinch turmeric
Method:Mix all the ingredients (except oil/ghee) with water to get to dosa batter consistency.Heat tava(nonstick preferred), spread the batter into thin omelets. Drizzle some oil/ghee on top. Turn the omelet upside down and fry on other side.Serve hot with tomato ketchup (or mint chutney).
The First Day
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Posted by Pransy
So, this is the tracker for the first day. BTW forgot to mention that I am a Punjabi - Indian , who is a vegetarian. I am living in Pune so if any other blogger from this part of the world or anywhere would like to be a fellow companion in this journey - you are more than welcome...
Food Diary
Start of the Day : 250 ml water
Breakfast : Chilly Popcorns ( 25 gms) , 2 marie biscuits , 1/2 cup tea
Mid-day : 500 ml water
Lunch : 1 bowl Raita , 1 glass buttermilk , 1 quarter plate water melon
Mid Noon : 500 ml water
Early evening : 500 ml water , Chilly popcorn ( 25 gms)
Evening :Idli - Sambhar ( Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy)
Dinner : Tomato Omelet and another 500 ml of water
Usually , have too many things to be grateful for , m supposed to be eternally happy & balanced but for the past few weeks have been irritated & grumbly...Hope the gratitude journal will help me to get things into perspective...
Gratitude Journal
5 things I am grateful for today
1> Little kid in the balcony who kept on waving @ me & made me laugh
2> Customized Lunch in the canteen
3> My best friend for supporting me & hugging me just being there
4> The employees for trusting me
5> My boss for believing in me & supporting me
Exercise Status
I have fever since the last evening so couldnt start working out...I dont know how things will be today - have taken a leave from office as am not feeling good...
Hope the day is better @ your end...
Keep the Faith
The First Step
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
Rome was not built in a day nor will be the new me... But a beginning has to be made somewhere & here I take the first step. My First Step involves 7 goals for this week...
1 - To drink 2 litres of water in a day
2 - To start eating breakfast
3 - To incorporate some form of exercise each day even if for 10 minutes
4 - To keep my food diary - I am not going to count calories in the beginning but will limit myself to 1500 calories as the journey progresses
5 - To keep a gratitude journal
6 - To medidate everyday
7- To update my blog daily
Hopefully , in the next 28 days these will become a Habit...
Wish me Bon Voyage as I set my sails towards my goal.
Lets do it...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Posted by Pransy
This blog is my attempt to ensure that I stay on track in my journey towards a " Whole New Me ". A new me who is confident , self assured , beautiful , extremely fit , lean & slim , highly desirable & thoroughly loved...
Sounds like a tough task but I believe I CAN do it and am starting on this new path with faith & hope, will be taking baby steps in the beginning hoping that I can run later as I gain confidence in me to make the CHANGES I know I need to make as I leave the old life behind...
I wish that you as the reader of my blog will be my support system , giving me suggestions , motivating me with your kind words & scolding me if you feel that I am not challenging myself the way I need to...
So here I go...